My Leap into the Void

Well, it's finally happened.

After nearly ten years in my job as web designer for a school district and three years as a part time artisan, I'm taking a flying leap into the void. As of Monday, October 14, I'm leaving the comfort and relative security of my desk job to make ThatDarnRob my full-time endeavor.

I have to thank my amazing customers for their loyal support. Thanks to your choice to buy from a small business, I can step out and make positive changes for my family. No more late nights or long weekends in the shop. I will be able to manage my business during the day and spend quality time with the people who matter most to me.

I plan to really ramp up production in the next few weeks and hope to announce some collaborations with other artisans and retailers as well.

Here's to whatever's next,

My Leap into the Void