Adventure Series: Locale 1 - Blaylock Creek Falls

GPS Coordinates: 34.371213916989575, -93.92290510540685
Date Visited: April 22-23, 2022
Wood Species: Hickory (?)

I was fortunate to take my son to the beautiful Blaylock Creek Falls in Umpire, Arkansas, with a few great friends. The falls are spectacular - about 40 feet tall and surrounded by lush greenery. We camped for the night next to the creek, which sang lullabies all night. It was an absolute dream location.

The next day, we did some trail riding - including crossing the creek in our rigs. Once things had warmed up a it, we went swimming at the falls... it was still a little cold for that, but we couldn't pass up the chance.

I was able to find a fallen hickory limb directly across the creek from the waterfall. I took it home and let it air dry for a few weeks before I cut it up, oven dried it, Stabilized it and turned it into five stunning brushes.

Blaylock Falls

The stunning beauty of Blaylock Creek Falls

Brush Gallery